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  • Which DNS records are essential for email delivery?

    If you want to ensure your emails are delivered on time, every time, you need to be aware of the “essential” DNS records needed for email delivery. Without them, your emails could be blocked, bounce back, or end up being flagged as spam. Learn more to make sure your emails reach the right destination.

    Introduction to DNS Records and their Role in Email Delivery

    Domain Name System (DNS) records are an essential part of web hosting and email delivery. It translates IP addresses or domain names into data that can be read by a computer. DNS records contain specific information that helps configure email delivery and other services. Without properly setup DNS records email delivery will not work properly, if at all, limiting the communication process. DNS records also play an important role in website security and performance, determining the geographic location of servers for optimal speed and authenticating website address to block spam, malware and cyberattacks. In short, DNS records provide the link between domains and servers, enabling emails, websites and other services to work properly.

    4 essential DNS records for email delivery

    1. A Records: A (address) records are core DNS records that map domain names to the specific IP address of the server the domain is associated with. Without properly configured A records, the domain name of any email sent from the domain will not reach any destination.
    2. MX Records: MX (Mail Exchange) records specify the servers responsible for accepting email messages sent to that domain. Without properly configured MX records, email sent to the domain will be bounced back, resulting in a failed delivery.
    3. SPF Records: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records authenticate the domain name being used to send emails. If a domain does not have an SPF record, email recipients may reject the email or flag it as spam.
    4. DKIM Records: DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) records are similar to SPF records by helping to authenticate emails, but at a deeper level of validation. This ensures the emails are from the legitimate sender and have not been modified or tampered with. Emails that do not pass DKIM validation may be rejected or caught in spam filters.

    Benefits of setting up records for email delivery

    Having the correct DNS records set up for email delivery will significantly benefit a business or individual. Firstly, when the correct records are in place, email delivery is smooth and effortless, with increased chances of successful delivery. Secondly, the right records ensure the domain sending emails is the genuine owner, with no possibility of spoofing or sending on behalf of someone else. This adds an extra layer of security against malicious actors and bots. Finally, having up-to-date records will lead to an improved customer experience (CX), as emails will be delivered faster and with fewer disruptions. This leads to higher engagement and customer satisfaction.

    Email forwarding – Everything you need to know


    Email delivery depends heavily on DNS records. Knowing which records are essential for email delivery, how to configure them correctly, and the benefits of setting them up, will ensure your emails are delivered correctly and on time. With the right records in place, you can be confident that your emails are safe, secure, and successfully delivered.